Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. offers a palliative care program. Our palliative care team assists patients and families to develop individualized goals focusing on quality care and effective symptom management at any stage of the disease process.
Our support helps to:
- Relieve symptoms such as pain and anxiety
- Support the patient and their loved ones
- Educate about disease progression and healthcare options
- Assist in completing living wills and medical power of attorney
- Enable patients to live as fully and comfortably as possible
If you would like more information on Palliative Care Services, please contact: Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. 814-333-5403
Hospice of Crawford County pages
Our History
History of Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. was incorporated in 1984 to enable patients nearing
Our Services
Hospice Services Referrals A referral to Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. is appropriate when: Cure of disease is no longer
Crawford County Hospice & Palliative Care FAQs Hospice FAQs Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. is committed to providing caring, patient-centered
Marquette House
Marquette Hospice House Our mission is to create a calm, peaceful “home away from home” providing around-the-clock nursing care and
Palliative Care
Hospice of Crawford County, Inc. offers a palliative care program. Our palliative care team assists patients and families to develop
Hospice & Palliative Care Office