Respiratory Allergy Panel Region I with Reflexes

Additional Info:

IgE allergy testing for:
Alternaria alternata (a mold) (m6)
Aspergillus fumigatus (m3)
Bermuda grass (g2)
Birch (t3)
Cat dander (e1)
Cladosporium herbarum (m2)
Cockroach (i6)
Common ragweed (short) (w1)
Cottonwood (t14)
Dermatophagoides farinae (d2)
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (d1)
Dog dander (e5)
Elm (t8)
Maple (box elder) (t1)
Mountain cedar (t6)
Mouse Urine Proteins (e72)
Mugwort (w6)
Oak (t7)
Penicillium notatum (m1)
Rough pigweed (w14)
Sheep sorrel (w18)
Sycamore (t11)
Timothy grass (g6)
Walnut tree (t10)
White ash (t15)
White mulberry (t70)
Immunoglobulin E

Methodology: Immunoassay (IA)

Specimen Requirements: 1 yellow-top SST tube (minimum: 2.5 mL of serum). Centrifuge SST 30 minutes after draw. Refrigerate specimen after collection.

Analytical Time: 3-5 days

Days Set Up: Monday – Friday

CPT Information:
82785 –
86003 – (x26)

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