Renin (Plasma Activity), Plasma

Useful For: Plasma Renin Activity, LC/MS/MS – Measurement of the Plasma Renin activity is useful in evaluating hypertension.

Methodology: Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)

Specimen Requirements:
1 lavender-top (EDTA) tube (minimum: 0.5 mL of EDTA plasma), overnight fasting preferred. AVOID REFRIGERATION. Spin in room temperature centrifuge immediately. Separate plasma and send frozen in plastic vial.

Avoid hemolysis.
Patient shoud refrain from taking medications preferably 3 weeks prior to collection.
Patient should be on a moderate sodium diet during collection.
Patient should be ambulatory for 30 minutes prior to collection.

Analytical Time:
2-5 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Friday

CPT Information:
84244 –

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