Useful For:
Useful in the identification of lice and mites (Scabies).
Methodology: Microscopic
Specimen Requirements:
Submit live specimen in a screw-capped, leak-proof container.
Skin Scraping Technique: (for mites)
- Place a drop of mineral oil on a sterile scalpel blade.
- Allow some of the oil to flow onto the papule.
- Scrape vigorously 6-7 times to remove the top of the papule. There should be flecks of blood visible in the oil.
- Transfer the oil and scraped material to a glass slide.
- Add an extra drop of mineral oil to the slide and coverslip.
- Submit labeled slide in a cardboard slide holder that has been taped securely.
- TICKS: Submit to Pathology, using a Pathology order form. State site of attachment, and if possible, time and location tick was attached.
- Specimens are promptly examined by the Microbiology or Pathology department.
Analytical Time: 1 day
Days Set Up: Monday through Friday
CPT Information:
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