Maternal Screen (Alpha-Fetoprotein), Serum

Additional Info:
Test includes maternal alpha fetoprotein, chorionic gonadotropin, free estriol, and inhibition A dimeric.

Useful For:
This test is designed for screening of Down Syndrome, Open Neural Tube Defects (ONTD), and Trisomy 18 on second trimester maternal serum specimens.


Specimen Requirements:
1 yellow-top SST tube (minimum: 1.5 mL of serum). Centrifuge SST 30 minutes after draw. Send specimen frozen in plastic vial.

NOTE: Please complete the “Maternal Serum Screen” form and forward it with the specimen. This form must be provided for interpretation of results. The form is supplied by Meadville Medical Center Laboratory.

Analytical Time: 3 – 4 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Saturday

CPT Information:
BCHG quantitative 82677 unconjugated estriol 82105 alpha fetoprotein 86336 inhibition A 82397 Chemiluminescence assay

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