Fecal Fats Quant (24/48/72 Hr)

Useful For:
Excessive Fat in stool, steatorrhea, is useful in diagnosing patients with malabsorption and maldigestion, e.g., pancreatic failure. In addition, results may be useful in monitoring patients receiving exogenous enzyme therapy and chronic diarrhea.

Methodology: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Specimen Requirements: Collect all stool specimens for a 24, 48, OR 72 hour period in a special container supplied by Meadville Medical Center Laboratory. Three days prior to, and during collection, patient should be on a diet including 100 grams of fat per day. Keep specimen refrigerated during collection. MMC lab sends specimen frozen in supplied container.


  • Document the total hours of collection and total specimen weight.
  • See Patient Information for diet.
  • 72 hour specimens show less variability of results.
  • 24 hour specimens are also acceptable.
  • Contamination of feces with urine should be avoided.

Analytical Time: 8 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Thursday

CPT Information:
82710 –

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