Cryoglobulin & Cryocrit, Serum

Additional Info:
If cryoglobulin is detected, then % Cryocrit is also reported.

Patient Preparation:
Overnight fasting is required. Fasting sample is preferred, but a random specimen may be used if serum is CLEAR.

Methodology: Cold Precipitation Visual Inspection

Specimen Requirements: 2 plain, red-top tubes (minimum: 2.0 mL of serum) drawn following an overnight fast of 8-10 hours. Allow specimen to clot at 37ºC and remain there for one hour, then centrifuge and separate serum from cells at room temperature. Store specimen at room temperature after collection.

Gross hemolysis and gross lipemia are unacceptable.
SST tube not acceptable.

Analytical Time: 6 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Sunday

CPT Information:
82595 –

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