Chromosome Analysis, Blood

Useful For: This test may assist with the detection of common chromosome abnormalities.

Methodology: Culture/Karyotype/Microscopy

Specimen Requirements: 1 green-top (sodium heparin) tube (minimum: 1.0 mL of heparinized whole blood). Mix specimen well. Store specimen at room temperature after collection.

Complete “Cytogenetics/Chromosomal Study Form” available from Meadville Medical Center Laboratory and send with patient or specimen. Include patient history, clinical information, reason for referral, and referring physician’s name and phone number.
Must be received by performing lab within 48 hours.
Chromosome analysis testing can be extremely expensive. Meadville Medical Center Laboratory suggests that you check with your insurance company prior to having this test performed. The patient will be responsible for the portion of the test that is not covered by insurance.
Green-top (lithium heparin) IS NOT acceptable.
Sodium heparin whole blood (royal blue-top) is also acceptable.

Analytical Time: 12 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Saturday

CPT Information:
88230 – chrom analysis, tissue culture
88262 – chrom analysis, congenital

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